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Karen Casey

Our Conversation Highlights

I am only sharing the first 5 minutes! Watch for the rest!

  • 45 years in AA
  • Went to Alanon because she was desperate to change the people around her.
  • A sense of hope and wellbeing that “I have never known before”
  • Traumatic childhood, tiptoe…
  • Discovered alcohol at 13
  • Primary illness codependency. Always looking to others for the assurance that I was OK
  • What she never told publicly before
  • “Every Day A New Beginning”
  • Detachment, not withdrawing
  • Control
  • Being authentic
  • And the Harley!

Tashni Nayager

Quote from Our Conversation:

“I was impatient with my healing journey. In my defense, I was also a desperate person. I just so wanted to be cured, well, better and enlightened…”

Richard Morden

Richard Morden

Our Conversation Highlights

We’re so habitually programmed to the path of least resistance. We all want to find our comfort zone and hang out there. It may not be the place where we find the most happiness, but it is the place where we understand the limits and have the reassurance that we are safe. Predictability is safety and when we know what to expect, we can find the strength to move through our daily patterns without surprises.

Bruce Anderson

Quote from Our Conversation:

“The starting point for any change of thought, mindset or behavior is mindfulness. Things that we aren’t aware of are dramatically more difficult to shift than things that we can notice.”

Christopher Moss

Quote from Our Conversation:

“The thought of putting my feet out of the door scared me. I forced myself through it. I had to take my children to school. My dog had to be taken for a walk. There was my responsibility as a father; to protect my family from the mess of a man that was me.”

Sherry Brier

Quote from Our Conversation:

“Ask yourself a yes or no question, and listen for the answer. The key is: Yes is yes, no is no, and maybe is no. If you do not have a definite yes, you will not have the energy to follow through on your decision. Remember that your real life may be just one decision away from the life of your dreams.”

Gresson Peiffer

Gresson Peiffer

Quote from Our Conversation:

“My true self started to appear and I started to glow from the inside out. I didn’t pay attention to other people’s opinions anymore; I only followed my own intuition. I found out what was unique about me and that I wasn’t meant to fit in or belong. I needed to bring my own uniqueness out and I had to believe the right people who resonated with me would come along.”

Tim Horn

Tim Horn

Quote from Our Conversation:

“It is wrong to believe after a trauma has been addressed its effects are over. We fail to understand the way the mind processes events and the repercussions. If we stumble forward believing no impression has left, we fail to understand the lasting impact of those events. If we do not mitigate the unseen damage, the ramifications can be lifelong.”

Kerry Rudman

Kerry Rudman

Quote from Our Conversation:

“Boundaries versus Barriers: People who are stuck in freeze mode put barriers up between themselves and the person who irritates them instead of going into any kind of confrontation. The other person knows that they did something wrong but they have no idea what.”

Mandy Herold

Mandy Herold

Quote from Our Conversation:

“Studies suggest that eighty-five percent of people experience a sense of ‘not being enough’ at some point in their lives. We’re born with all the love inside us we need to love ourselves completely. But for so many of us, somewhere along the way this self-love gets displaced. We think, “I’ll be good enough if I own the right things, excel at work, or earn just a bit more money.” We begin to place our self-worth on chasing the external instead of embracing the internal.”

Otakara Klettke

Otakara Klettke

Quote from Our Conversation:

“It takes a decision. It may get hard on that journey, but without making the decision to find the way back to your body and treat it the way it wants to be treated, it will never happen. The best thing is that your body is here, waiting for you and hoping you want to restore the most important relationship of your life.”

Thank you for watching! Please get in touch if you have questions or would like to be a contributor to our next conversations.

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