If you want a safe, supported way to handle your unresolved hurts and to use your survival mechanisms to your best advantage, then this is exactly what you need.- WITH EXPERT HELP?
OK my childhood was shitty, but I survived so I rather don’t think or talk about it.
We fall into two distinct categories
We normalized so much of what happened as we grew up, that we believe we had a wonderful childhood. Add to that that our subconscious hides hard things, which means many of us have a big gap in childhood memories.
On the other hand, many of us do know that we had it hard, but it has taken real determination to find a way through the pain, and we don’t even want to glimpse back at it. We survived, we packed it away, and thank you very much, but no. No digging.
A masterclass jam-packed with insights and instantly appliable techniques so you can feel empowered to change your frustrations into wins!
If you want a safe, supported way to handle your unresolved hurts and to use your survival mechanisms to your best advantage, then this is exactly what you need.
Just over one hour of your life will change your outlook forever, and give you valuable tools. One video to watch, and one worksheet to complete, and start feeling the effects immediately. (Replay available, but Q&Q only on Live)
Thursday 22 June 2023 6pm
No wait !!!
Don’t ever pay for masterclasses again!
You may not have noticed that you can get ALL my Masterclasses, plus much more, for only $27 a month !
What if you can get 12 masterclasses, plus posts, articles, and video trainings inside my membership portal, get discount on courses, and on one-on-one sessions with me, AND be invited to monthly meetings!
PLUS!!! All new content will also be added to the same Membership portal for you!
Get it all for only $27/month!
And the best part is you can Cancel Anytime!
One of the HUGE perks is that ALL past Masterclasses on beneficial topics like Shame, Boundaries, People Pleasing, etc, are uploaded inside our Membership portal, with at least 20 Masterclasses available for you to watch anytime, plus their worksheets.
New content is added regularly, and some live training videos elsewhere on social media will only be available for a short time before they come here.
There is a 20% Members Only Discount for All Paid Programmes, no matter when you entered and at what level.
If you are on the fence, go look at some real world reviews here. Or go look at a few LiveStreams in the Facebook group if you want to get to know me better.
Incredible value when you compare it with the cost of one on one sessions. And you can, as a Inner Circle Contributor, still book your sessions but permanently discounted at – 20%, as long as you are a member.
A big perk is access to monthly 1 hour live sessions. A short topic discussion, followed by your questions and me helping you through current problems.
The price WILL go up, as I add more and more content in here, but if you join now, it will be your lifetime subscription locked in at this amount!
If you are here looking for help, rest assured that I and the community who supports me will be there for you. Use the content provided, join the Facebook Group for Livestream Coaching, jump onto the challenges, comment, interact and be an active member. That is how we grow. By participating. Not by being a spectator.
Members get one 50% off a Counselling/Coaching session with me after every 6-month membership completed.
All of these benefits mean your membership practically pays for itself, you have ongoing community, support, inspiration and expert guidance – and you solidify your forward growth momentum by putting your attention on where you want to go .
Don’t ever pay for a single Masterclass again
Hi! I’m Louise………..
I have been in the position of being perplexed, confused and, frankly, bewildered about why my life just was not working out the way I wanted it to.
I have gone from being a strictly self-contained person who rigidly suppressed her emotions, who did not know how to get real support, to someone who experiences deep joy, purpose and peace every day.
I want you to have real-life tools, outlooks and I will give you everything I have to make sure that you walk out after four days with hope, a way forward and an empowered outlook!
And this I know: if we don’t belief we are worthy, we will not change anything for ourselves. So we start right here!