Complete the form below to make sure you are on the VIP list when bookings for 2023 goes live. Bookings are flexible during current worldwide uncertainty in order to accommodate last minute travel changes!

What does your Best Life look like?

  • I feel at peace, fulfilled and I know I am capable of reaching my highest potential

  • I am in the best relationships of my life, both in my personal and professional life

  • I am excited about the future

  • I feel empowered even in the face of adversity

  • I live in grace, gratefulness and joy everyday.

If this is what you want… join this retreat now!

• Get life-changing skills and outlooks that will take you from merely looking OK to experiencing everyday happiness and peace
• Empower yourself with unstoppable self-awareness
• Be provided specific tools to achieve love, connection and support.
• Acquire effective communication techniques
• Find the power of being vulnerable, authentic & self-loving
• Greatly improve all your relationships, personal and professional
• Move on from “I just cannot do this anymore” to empowered living

This is for you if…

  • What you have been trying is not working
  • You are tired and just want it to be easier
  • You know there are invisible barriers that are keeping you stuck
  • You ran into a wall and know something needs to change

This Four Day Retreat lets you step away from the rigours of modern living to focus solely on aligning yourself to Live Your Best Life. Hosted at 4-star Yobaba Lounge, in the foothills of the French Pyrenees, approximately 100km inland from Perpignan. The serene and magical setting overlooking the Amber Falls Valley is a natural haven that promotes reflection and inner harmony, allowing you to restore balance and peace in your life.

You will experience:

  • Luxurious 4 star accommodation (single on request)
  • Guided exercises
  • Relaxation and reflection
  • Tranquility and walks and a daily excursion.
  • Superb dining. Delicious food, freshly prepared and very well presented.
  • Friendly AND competent staff
  • Total immersion in YOU time

Complete the form below to make sure you are on the VIP list when bookings for 2023 goes live. Bookings are flexible during current worldwide uncertainty in order to accommodate last minute travel changes!

full body cropped

I have been in the position of being perplexed, confused and, frankly, bewildered about why my life just was not working out the way I wanted it to.
I have gone from being a strictly self-contained person who rigidly suppressed her emotions, who did not know how to get real support, to someone who experiences deep joy, purpose and peace every day.
I want you to have real-life tools, outlooks and I will give you everything I have to make sure that you walk out after two days with hope, a way forward and an empowered outlook!

Louise VN Liebenberg
Your Fearless Magnificence Coach

What people say

‘Living Your Best Life’ Retreat is aimed at those who are seeking clarity, conscious living and daily joy and peace through:

  • Being authentically who you were born to be
  • Reaching your true potential by eliminating what does not work
  • Improving your communication and listening skills for enhanced relationships, both personally and professionally
  • Learning techniques and practices to live fully empowered and present
  • Understanding your triggers, limiting beliefs and self-defeating outlooks
  • Effectively removing blockers to your own personal energy flow to maximise both your personal and professional performance, diminish stress and achieve inner harmony, good health and inner peace
  • Fully grasping the inter-connectedness of mind, body and spirit and the role that transforming negative feelings plays in living a balanced and fulfilled life

As your ‘Fearless Magnificence Coach’ Louise believes in your ability to shine, overcome, and transform your life and relationships.

Excursions included

Nébias Labyrinthe

A trip to the tranquil forest of Nébias, famous for its Green labyrinth and the source of many local legends.


A tour of  village of the local priest, Abbé Saunier, originator of the myths surrounding Rennes-le-Château. Think Da Vinci code…


We are not sure if it will be the Quillan Market, or the Friday Marche at Mirepoix, but we are leaving our final planning until nearer the time, as we are looking for a brocante or vide grenier in the vicinity. So excited!

Château de Montségur

One of the most Famous Cathar Castles that boggles the mind, with their dizzying heights!

Disclaimer: Excursions and activities can be changed on short notice due to weather and other unforseen circumstances. Contigengy excursions and activities are planned that will be of equal value

Drawing heavily on her professional experiences and her own transformational process, Louise VN Liebenberg, International Bestselling Author, Life Coach, Counsellor, Rescuer-Of-Abandoned-Cats and Road-Trip-Lover shares her no-nonsense, practical approach to mindful, constructive involvement in one’s own life.
She reinvented her life when it became emotionally unbearable, and has since helped countless others through facilitating support groups and one-on-one sessions.
She lays out a fresh approach to relationship building and shares the outlook-changing self-empowerment tools needed in a step-by-step way.
She has a passion for empowering others to achieve their goals by offering different ways to view challenges and approach life.
A multitude of rescued cats share their small-village-life with her and her husband, where she likes nothing better than writing her next book with said cats around her!

Need to Know:

Once your retreat is booked and paid for, the competent and friendly Yobaba Lounge staff will help you choose your accommodation on a first-come first-choice basis.

Arrival Tuesday 27th April 2021 (lunch not included, supper included)

Wednesday 28th April:

Thursday 29th April:

Friday 30th April:

Saturday 31st April:

Depart Sunday 2 May (Breakfast included)

Optional Extra: 2 days Carcassonne and Toulouse. You are so near to these two awesome destinations, and really should not miss Carcassonne, one of the Unesco World Heritage sites, and Toulouse, The Pink City, for a day of ambling along its charming streets and visting its museums, churches, gardens and riverside cafes.

Days left to book!


What would your investment be?


Your Value Investment of $.00 per person includes shared accommodation, 5 breakfasts, 4 lunches and 5 dinners & teas and coffee. The vegetarian food at Yoyoba is a matter of high praise, with raving reviews. The rest of our meals will be at local restaurants, village cafes or authentic French Marche experiences! 

Morning Meditation or Yoga SessionWalking Meditation, in-depth Group Workshop Sessions. Questionnaires, Worksheets and Notes. You will also get a signed copy of my book Hamster Wheel Relationships For Women!

Each participant also receives a 55 minutes wrap up session after the retreat, either in person or on Skype/phone.

The rate excludes any additional food, beverages, spirits, and laundry.

(Rate per person NOT sharing $ each)



  • Payments by EFT, Credit Card or Paypal
  • – 5% discount for payment in full by 30 June
  • OR secure your booking NOW with 3 easy payments
  • Friends Discount: Book for 2 or more and get 10% off. We can all do with support and an accountability buddy!



Send me an email to NOW and I will send you a Paypal link for easy payment or EFT details.