✨ ~ 3 months online program ~ ✨
12 weeks from 3 February
For all of us wanting to take charge of their positive outcomes
An I-nfinite Potential.com program
The dilemma is real!
You may be single once again, you may be in a relationship that is trudging on because both partners settled into a resigned routine, you may be in a situation that feels desperately lacking for you, or you may know already that you cannot do this anymore – something needs to change!
We have certain expectations of relationships, and as long as both partners fulfil these expectations, and as long as both partners behave in an emotionally mature, respectful way, we can forgive a lot, and find a way forward.
But what if we are at the impasse where communication broke down, we feel very hurt, we are struggling with trust, and we start questioning commitment? What if someone pulled so far back that you feel completely alone? What if you feel like you are doing 90% and getting 10% back? What if the negative effects on everyone start to outweigh what you once had?
Committed relationships can be challenging, but being single comes with its own challenges. Notwithstanding the practical difficulties of finding suitable people to date, what about the challenges of our baggage? And of the people we date?
What do we do with the self-doubt, the grieving, the fear of being hurt again? Where do we find help to change the habits that lead to relationship problems? Who can help us find the exact words that help us feel heard; words that create the space for two-way communication, shared goals, and mutual support?
One thing we can be sure of though: when we begin with ourselves, we take a powerful step forward.
This program is designed to provide
- self- empowerment
- greater understanding of how we made choices before
- understanding ourselves and others like never before
- pathways to healing
- powerful ways of communicating and being heard
- tools for having successful relationships
So, whether you are
- confused about how it went so wrong
- have tried so many things and running out of options
- losing hope
- very hurt and trying to protect yourself
- so lonely
- newly dating and scared
- tired of all the unsuitable people out there
- finding yourself – again – in a relationship that is not fulfilling its promises
- determined not to make the same mistakes again
- desperate for love and connection
- blaming and doubting yourself
- having one foot out the door already
- or very willing to do introspection and start with yourself
… this program will provide you with clarity, insight, support, and the needed tools to build relationships that work.
Take a look!
“Serial-Relationship-Sins Solver!” 3 month program
- Start up One on One evaluation session (55 minutes) for everyone that pays in full- Zoom, phone, or in person
- Evaluation checklist
- 12 weekly Zoom group sessions (90 minutes each)
- Customized weekly homework
- “Serial relationship sins!” weekly 90 minute interactive online meeting
- “Coping skills” worksheets
- Communication Cards
- “Relationship Builder” worksheets
- Closed Whatsapp Community
- 25% discount on one-on-one sessions during these 3 months
Numbers are limited in order that everyone will get personal attention.
Easy 3 month payment plan option:
R3000 per month over 3 months! (Pay in full R6970)
Note the Pay in Full Bonus!
Start up One on One evaluation session (55 minutes) for everyone that pays in full- Zoom, phone or in person